Final (draft) Comprehensive Zoning By-law
Council, on July 25, 2022 will be considering the final (draft) comprehensive zoning by-law and accompanying Housekeeping Official Plan Amendment No. 15 for approval. A copy of the new Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment No. 15 can be found to the right of this page.
New Town of Pelham Comprehensive Zoning By-law
The new Zoning By-law has been prepared under the requirements of Section 34 of the Planning Act and regulates the types of land uses and the character, height, location, size and massing of buildings for all lands within the Town. The Zoning By-law is the Town’s primary tool for implementing policies of an Official Plan, and translating high-level planning objectives and policies into detailed land use permissions including lot and building requirements. Zoning By-laws provide a legal method to manage land use and development, while protecting from land use conflicts and potentially hazardous land uses in the Town.
The new Zoning By-law will replace Town of Pelham By-law No.1136 (1987), as amended and, implement the policies of the Town’s Official Plan (2014) and provide new and updated zoning and development standards and mapping that reflect approved policy and regulatory initiatives at the Provincial and Regional levels.
Housekeeping Official Plan Amendment No. 15
The Housekeeping OPA has been prepared to update the agriculture-related, on-farm diversified, and value-added agriculture use policies to align the current plan with updated Provincial policies and permit and support the updated regulations proposed in the new Zoning By-law. This will improve and clarify the existing policies around secondary agricultural uses. Since the Official Plan was approved, the Provincial government has released guidelines on permitted uses in agricultural areas in 2019 that provide the framework for the policy guidance for the proposed Housekeeping OPA policies.
The Housekeeping OPA will also introduce policies to enable Council to delegate authority to pass minor by-laws under Section 34 of the Planning Act such as those to remove holding “H” symbols (holding by-laws), authorize the temporary use of land, buildings or structures (temporary use by-laws), approve agricultural purposes only by-laws, and to pass housekeeping by-laws for the purpose of making clerical or other changes to assist in the interpretation of the Zoning By-law to a Committee of Council, or an authorized officer or employee of the municipality.
If you would like more information on these documents please contact Lindsay Richardson at 905-892-2607 x 335 or via email at