Rolling road closures
Please be advised that the Town of Pelham will erect temporary road closures on the morning of Thursday, May 20, 2021. These closures will be in place during the time the helicopter is in close proximity to the road for the gypsy moth aerial spray program. Residents are encouraged to avoid walking and cycling in these areas at this time as well.
Road closures will be limited in duration and emergency vehicles will not be impacted.
Pelham Street: Overholt Road to Shorthills Place
Pancake Lane: Effingham Street to Woodstream Boulevard
Haist Street: Pancake Lane to Nursery Lane
John Street: Stella to Beechwood Crescent
Memorial Drive: Maple Street to Centre Street
Maple Street: Memorial Drive to Canboro Road
Canboro Road: Church Street to Centre Street
Balfour Street: Memorial Drive to Foss Road
Church Street: Canboro Road to Foss Road
Foss Road: Chruch Street to Balfour Street
Welland Road: Garner Street to Cream Street