Phase 4: Project Overview

The Pelham Street reconstruction project includes the reconstruction of Pelham Street between Spruceside Crescent South and the Town border, approximately 450m south of Quaker Road. It will consist of a new watermain and a new storm drainage system to improve drainage and mitigate flooding concerns.
This work is part of the Pelham Street Reconstruction project that will be completed over the next two years. The project's limits for this phase will be from south of Spruceside Crescent South to approximately 450m south of Quaker Road.
The Town has received a grant from the ICIP Rural and Northern Stream for $4.2M for all phases of the Pelham Street reconstruction project.
Construction is scheduled to begin in June 2023 and be completed by May 2024. It is anticipated that the project will be substantially complete, including base asphalt, by December of 2023, and the restoration works, including landscaping and top asphalt, will be completed in the spring of 2024.

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