Second Dwelling Units
The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pelham passed By-law No.4371 (2021) on September 7, 2021, which adopts amendment no. 12 to the Town of Pelham Official Plan under Section 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. Furthermore, Council passed By-Law No.4368 (2021) on September 7, 2021, being a by-law that amends Zoning By-law No. 1136 (1987), as amended, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, with consideration given to all written submissions relating to the by-law that were made to Council before its decision and all oral submissions relating to theContinue reading
The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pelham passed By-law No.4371 (2021) on September 7, 2021, which adopts amendment no. 12 to the Town of Pelham Official Plan under Section 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. Furthermore, Council passed By-Law No.4368 (2021) on September 7, 2021, being a by-law that amends Zoning By-law No. 1136 (1987), as amended, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, with consideration given to all written submissions relating to the by-law that were made to Council before its decision and all oral submissions relating to the by-law that were made at the public meeting.
The More Homes, More Choice Act (2019) require municipalities support housing choices by 'identifying a diverse range and mix housing options', noting that Second Dwelling Units (SDUs) play an essential role in addressing affordable housing and contributing to housing options. Currently, the Town of Pelham Official Plan has limited policy guidance concerning SDUs. The Zoning By-law does not speak specifically to permitting an SDU, which results in property owners maneuvering through red tape should they wish to request permission for an SDU.
Establishing an SDU requires several applications and permits, making it difficult and expensive to achieve. And instead of obtaining the necessary permissions, people are building SDUs illegally, without the benefit of building permits or inspections to ensure compliance with Building and Fire Code requirements. This negligence can result in unintended life safety risks to the habitants of the SDUs. Staff have drafted SDU policies and regulations to align with the recent Provincial updates. These updates will highlight the specific needs of the public; resident engagement will play a key role in developing a "made in Pelham" solution.
Currently, the zoning by-law does not contain specific regulations permitting an SDU. The zoning by-law amendment seeks approval to allow two (2) SDUs that are self-contained units with bathroom, kitchen, and sleeping facilities separate from those of the principal dwelling on the same lot. The amendment will permit an SDU in single-detached, semi-detached, townhouse dwelling or detached accessory building in the Agricultural (A), Special Rural (SR), Residential Village 1 (RV1), Residential 1 (R1) and Residential 2 (R2) zones, and comply with the provisions of the Town's comprehensive zoning by-law.
Presently, the Official Plan does not contain policies specific to Second Dwelling Units, but allows for Accessory Apartments only in single-detached dwellings and only in the College and Emmett Street neighbourhood. However, the Zoning By-law has not been updated to conform with this policy. The draft proposes a Second Dwelling Unit's permission in a principal dwelling unit and accessory structure subject to meeting specific policy requirements. Those policies include deleting and replacing accessory apartments throughout several sections in the Official Plan. These policies would be slightly amended to ensure that the floor area of the proposed unit will be less than the gross floor area of the principal residential unit.
Share APPROVAL OF SECOND DWELLING UNIT POLICY AND REGULATION on Facebook Share APPROVAL OF SECOND DWELLING UNIT POLICY AND REGULATION on Twitter Share APPROVAL OF SECOND DWELLING UNIT POLICY AND REGULATION on Linkedin Email APPROVAL OF SECOND DWELLING UNIT POLICY AND REGULATION linkTAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pelham passed By-law No.4371 (2021) on September 7, 2021, which adopts amendment no. 12 to the Town of Pelham Official Plan under Section 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pelham passed By-Law No.4368 (2021) on September 7, 2021, being a by-law which amends Zoning By-law No. 1136 (1987), as amended, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, with consideration given to all written submissions relating to the by-law that were made to Council before its decision and all oral submissions relating to the by-law that were made at the public meeting.
Share PROJECT UPDATE on Facebook Share PROJECT UPDATE on Twitter Share PROJECT UPDATE on Linkedin Email PROJECT UPDATE linkThe Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for Second Dwelling Units were on the Council agenda for Monday, August 23rd, 2021 for approval. However, due to time constraints, Council was unable to complete the agenda and voted to not hold a Special Council meeting for the agenda items not addressed. Therefore these agenda items have been moved to unfinished business at the Monday, September 7th, 2021 Council meeting.
Draft Offical Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
Share Draft Offical Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments on Facebook Share Draft Offical Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments on Twitter Share Draft Offical Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments on Linkedin Email Draft Offical Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments linkFollowing the public meeting in February, staff received comments from the Niagara Region that identified some inconsistencies with the Second Dwelling Unit requirements under the Planning Act. In response to these inconsistencies, Staff has revised the amendments that were originally presented to Council at the Public Meeting in February to comply with the requirements of the Planning Act for final approval.
The amendments are located under the documents tab on the right side of this page.
Second Public Meeting - Monday June 14th, 2021
Share Second Public Meeting - Monday June 14th, 2021 on Facebook Share Second Public Meeting - Monday June 14th, 2021 on Twitter Share Second Public Meeting - Monday June 14th, 2021 on Linkedin Email Second Public Meeting - Monday June 14th, 2021 linkSecond Public Meeting for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment in accordance with Section 34 and 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
The Town has initiated amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to include policies and regulations with respect to second dwelling units within the Town. Changes to the Town’s Zoning By-law (1987) and Official Plan (2014) are to implement changes to the Planning Act made by Bill 108/Regulation 299 of the Province of Ontario (More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019). Changes to the Act require that the Town permit additional dwelling units on a property containing a single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse residential dwelling as well as permitting these units in an accessory building.
The proposed Amendments apply throughout the Town of Pelham. General Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law provisions will be established which if met will allow a Second Dwelling Unit to be permitted without the need for an Amendment to either the Official Plan or Zoning By-law.
Please find the Notice of Second Public Meeting under the documents tab.
Public Meeting Presentation
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What's happening with Second Dwelling Unit(s) in Pelham
Share What's happening with Second Dwelling Unit(s) in Pelham on Facebook Share What's happening with Second Dwelling Unit(s) in Pelham on Twitter Share What's happening with Second Dwelling Unit(s) in Pelham on Linkedin Email What's happening with Second Dwelling Unit(s) in Pelham linkWhat is a Dwelling Unit?
A dwelling unit is a living space designed and intended for use by one or more people who maintain a common household. As defined by the Town’s Zoning By-law (1987) a “Dwelling Unit” means:
a suite of habitable rooms which:
- is located in a building;
- is used or intended to be used in common by one or more persons as a single, independent and separate housekeeping establishment;
- contains food preparation and sanitary facilities provided for the exclusive common use of the occupants thereof; and
- has a private entrance directly from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building.
What is a Secondary Dwelling Unit?
A Secondary Dwelling Unit (SDU) is a self-contained residential unit located within a principal dwelling unit or an accessory building and permitted in detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings. The unit may be in any part of the house, including the basement.
Secondary Dwelling Units are a requirement within the Town of Pelham, and here is why?
The Provincial government made changes to the Planning Act through Bill 108/Regulation 299 of the Province of Ontario (More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019) on June 6, 2019. The More Homes, More Choice Act requires that the Town permit additional dwelling units on a property containing a single-detached, semi-detached, or street townhouse residential dwelling and permitting these units in an accessory building.
What is Bill 108?
The intention of the More Homes, More Choice Act is to address the housing crisis in Ontario by minimizing regulations related to residential development through changes to various Acts dealing with the planning process, including reducing fees related to development by reducing the number of services that may be subject to development charges, shortening the timelines for the approval of many planning applications and providing as of right permissions to allow second dwelling units. The Provincial government identifies affordable housing as a “fundamental need," and second dwelling units were identified as one of the least expensive ways to increase affordable housing supply while encouraging intensification and maintaining neighbourhood character.
Can I Establish a Secondary Dwelling Unit?
Currently, the Town of Pelham Official Plan and Zoning By-law does not permit second dwelling units as a right and amendments are required for these permissions. We have begun working on policies to allow people to explore putting an SDU on their property. Things to consider include servicing requirements, parking requirements, building and fire code requirements and location, among others. We want to hear from you on this matter on what types of standards or regulations you'd like to see implemented by Council. A public meeting on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments is scheduled for February 8, 2021, and an online survey will also be developed to obtain public input on this subject.
For more information on adding an SDU to your home, please refer to the following webpage:
SDUs can come in many different shapes or sizes. There are many requirements beyond the zoning of a property when considering how to establish a legal SDU. The Province of Ontario has put together some basic information for property owners who are considering an SDU. This information can be accessed by clicking the image above to open the 'Adding a Second Unit in an Existing House' Guide, by checking out their 'Build or Buy a Tiny Home' guide, by visiting the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website, or by searching for more information on the 'More Homes, More Choice Act' Housing Supply Action Plan.
What are the benefits to a Secondary Dwelling Unit?
Secondary Dwelling Units come in many shapes and sizes and are commonly referred to as basement apartments, granny flats, coach homes, in-law suites, garage apartments, etc. They can have many benefits, including increasing rental units available to the community, providing rental income opportunities, and providing housing for family or friends who may need extra care.
Municipalities are required to provide a diverse range and mix of housing types and ownership styles. This is where SDUs can make a difference and create a balance within the housing market in the Town of Pelham.
a suite of habitable rooms which:
Who's Listening
Director of Community Planning and Development
Project timeline and key dates
Information and reports for SDUs uploaded for viewing
Second Dwelling Units has finished this stage -
Public Meeting - February 8, 2021
Second Dwelling Units has finished this stagePublic meeting will be livestreamed
Closing of Survey
Second Dwelling Units has finished this stageThis survey will be closed as of Monday April 26th, 2021, however, comments on the project can still be submitted to the Policy Planner at External link) for consideration. Staff are preparing revisions to the proposed policy and regulation and will be recommending updates to our policies at a Council Meeting to be held this summer. For more information on the project, please continue to check the project website
Council Decision - July 26, 2021
Second Dwelling Units has finished this stageFinal versions of Second Dwelling Unit policies and regulations to be presented to Council for recommendation on July 26, 2021.
Final Council Decision - August 23, 2021
Second Dwelling Units has finished this stageOn July 26, 2021, Council approved the by-laws to be brought to the next Council meeting for consideration. Council has not approved the SDU by-laws as of yet. The meeting on August 23, 2021, is where Council may approve and authorize the by-laws to be signed by the Clerk and Mayor.
Final Council Decision - September 7, 2021
Second Dwelling Units has finished this stageFinal Council approval has been added to the unfinished business section of the September 7, 2021 meeting.
Appeal Period
Second Dwelling Units has finished this stageOnce the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments have been finalized and passed by the Council, it will come into force and effect. Under The Planning Act, there is no opportunity to appeal to the LPAT for policies about Second Dwelling Units. If you have any questions about the new policies and regulations, please contact for further assistance.
Approval of Second Dwelling Units Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments
Second Dwelling Units is currently at this stageTAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pelham passed By-law No.4371 (2021) on September 7, 2021, which adopts amendment no. 12 to the Town of Pelham Official Plan under Section 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pelham passed By-Law No.4368 (2021) on September 7, 2021, being a by-law which amends Zoning By-law No. 1136 (1987), as amended, under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, with consideration given to all written submissions relating to the by-law that were made to Council before its decision and all oral submissions relating to the by-law that were made at the public meeting.
By-Law 4368 (2021) Second Dwelling Units.pdf (775 KB) (pdf)
AM-04-2020 and OP-AM-01-2020 Notice of Passing SDU Policies and Regs FINAL.pdf (160 KB) (pdf)
OPA Second Dwelling Units.pdf (174 KB) (pdf)
Second Dwelling Units ZBA.pdf (117 KB) (pdf)
SDU second public meeting.pdf (30.1 KB) (pdf)
January 11, 2021 - Information Report.pdf (128 KB) (pdf)
February 8, 2021 - Information Report and Public Meeting.pdf (218 KB) (pdf)
July 26, 2021 - Recommendation Report - Second Dwelling Units.pdf (754 KB) (pdf)